Extreme Sports; Prostocing

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Prostocing is an up-and-coming underground extreme sport created in Northern Ireland... by me, and my mates. Ahem, anyway, for prostocing you will require;

1. Bicycle (x2)
2. Skateboard (x2)
3. A length of rope (x2)
4. A hill (steep)
5. A pair of gloves (x2, thick... if you enjoy having skin on your hands. If not, leaving the gloves off may result in a pleasant suprise for you and your hand-skin loathing friends, which you may have accumulated over the years)
6. Friend (x3, with the possibility of spares where nescessary)

The game is simplicity in itself. Simply tie the front trucks of the skate boards to their corresponding bike. Position the bike/skateboard ammalgomations at the top of the steep hill. Pick teams at this point, comprising of two members each. One team member will go on the bike. The other will lie face down on the skateboard, and wear the gloves. The gloves are nescessary to steer the skateboard by pushing the left and right hand off the ground, to move the skateboard in the corresponding direction. When the bikes are in motion, the bikers should aim to keep level and close to their rival on the other team. The skateboarders who are trailing behind them must attempt to knock their rivals from their skateboard. The team with the skateboarder left on at the end will be victorious.

Note; stopping is rather difficult. Avoid at all costs.

As a warning/disclaimer, I should point out that you REALLY shouldn't do this, but merly laugh at the concept of someone who would actually even consider it. Obviously, I can't STOP you doing it, and I really don't care one way or the other... though it does sound like a good laugh, doesn't it? Maybe you could try it once, just for fun... just to see, hmm? What's the harm in that? Go, on. Have a go.

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