The University of Sheffield, UK

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The University of Sheffield was granted its university charter in 1905 but stretches back before that to 1828 when the Sheffield School of Medicine was founded. The University currently has around 25,000 full-time and part-time students from 116 countries. The universities motto is Rerum Cognoscere Causas from Virgil’s Georgics II and it means "to discover the causes of things".

The University has 70 academic departments which come under seven different faculties. It is known as a world class research centre with corporate sponsors such as AstraZeneca and Boeing. It is a member of the Russell Group of 19 leading Universities in Britain

The Students Union is also one of the best in the country running many activities for students, manning an advice centre and running several bars, restaurants, club nights and shops.

Like most universities there are many societies and sports clubs that can be joined.

David Blunkett, Linda Smith and Eddie Izard are all alumni of the university which also boasts five Nobel Prize winners.

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