paintball is it too dangerous

1 Conversation

I decided to write this because I recently had to write a research paper for school. well the topic that I wrote on was whether the sport of paintball is too dangerous. now yes i consider it a sport. it has teams, gets coverage on tv, and has a professional league in the U.S.

Now to sum it up paintball is kind of like capture the flag except for the fact that, instead of tagging the person or throwing a water balloon, you shoot them with a ball of paint cased plastic.

Now paintball does have a higher hospitalazion rate. this means if you get injured most likely you'll end up in the hospital. now it does have the lowest injury rate.

You are 19 times more likely to be injured in a game of football, 12 times in a game of soccer, and 11 times more likely to be injured in baseball.

the most common injury is loss of the eye from not wearing the proper equipment. I.E. a mask. Baseball and softball make up 40% of all eye injuries resulting in vision loss. Paintball related injuries 2000 were around 1200. Eye injuries aren't the only injuries. I do know a guy who lost his right nut.

There are several spots that you do not want to get hit. do to the fact that they hurt.
inside of the elbow, back of the knee, neck, kidney, fingers, and face mask, and the ever classic bad touch zones. The reason that I say the face mask is you never want to get hit there because either you taste paint, or you can't see and shoot back.

Overall though aside from a few bruises i'm fine.
if you have any comments, info, suggestion, or just are board then you know what to do.

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