Cake Mix Done Right

2 Conversations

You can make a cake from a mix that tastes so good people will never believe it isn't from scratch. The secret: don't follow the instructions on the box.

Well, you have to follow some of the instructions and ignore some. The big problem with the instructions is that they direct you to overmix. Over mixing will result in the dry cake everyone knows and hates. When you make a cake from a mix, measure out the ingredients as the box directs. Usually these are eggs, water, and sometimes oil. Mix these things together and blend well. Then add them to the cake mix but blend only until the most of the lumps in the batter are gone. Don't worry about small lumps, they will disappear while the cake bakes.

Measure carefully. Amounts are important. Be sure you always follow this part of the instructions. Also, remember that recipes that call for eggs mean large eggs unless they state otherwise.

If the instructions call for you to preheat the oven, then do it. Don't skimp. Trying to save a few cents by putting the cake mix into cold oven will result in a cake that is underdone or unevenly done.

To see if the cake is done, use the method listed on the box. Different cakes will react differently when they are done and the box is the best guide for how to do this.

You can substitute the liquid called for on the box for another so long as you keep the amount consistent. For example, when I am making a cake for friends, I substitute a third of the water the directions call for with brandy. The alcohol evaporates during the baking but the flavor remains. You can also use milk in place of the water but you won't need to. Nor will you need to add pudding. Done this way the cake will be plenty moist without them.

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