Elizabeth City, NC

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Elizabeth City, North Carolina is a relatively small, unassuming town located in the northeastern part of the state. Is it approx. 36 miles from the northern border.

Elizabeth City was once on the only road that went from New York to Florida. But eventually Interstate 95 was built and then they went and built a bypass around the whole thing anyway. Damn bypasses. I don't think anyone's house had to get knocked down though. It's mostly farm land around there.

Key Points 'round Town

It's a very old city with a lovely waterfront and some quaint old houses. It also has some very old Victorian houses in the small residential district just of the main road that goes through the town.

There are a few bars and one topless bar which is aptly named "Headlights." It is also home to the "C&H Oyster Bar" which, if you like seafood and smoke, is a great place.

Somehow, probably because of cheap land, Elizabeth City is home to 4 different motorcycle dealerships and 3 or 4 car dealerships.

There is also a delightful maximum security prison about 5 miles north of the town.

Hardly worth a trip but if you are passing through, you might as well stop.

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