Small Town Fun

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I am living in a very small town right now,Oneida,Tennessee, and everything revolves around school or church. Me myself dont go to church, but the town does. In our little town there is a church right next to another church nt even 2 blocks down the road from one another. I have counted there are over 6 churches next to each other, and they are all different. You go down the road you see a Babtist Church, then you go on down you see a Methodist Church. Now onto the school.

In our town we are a football school. So that makes our school revolve around football. They like it so much they closed school one day cause they had a playoff game at 1:00 in the afternoon so we could go to it. Well to get back on topic I was talking about small town fun.

There is the Extra Curricular activities for me like band and FOOTBALL. But when i dont have those things I walk around to find fun. Usually in the summer we have firework wars. But that only lasts until we run out of fireworks or someone's limbs get blown off. But that only makes it more interesting. When were not aloud to do that anymore(meaning after July it becomes illegal.) After that time it is too hot outside to be outside so my older brother go and rent a movie or a game from the local video store. We have that for two days of fun but we take it back. Usually with me I go to friends houses to go swimming and such just to get away.

Then in the winter when it snows that gives us alot of stuff to do. Since we usually dont have school we use the snow for fun. Until one of us gets frostbite and has to come inside.

In the fall here we have lots of colors and all and its just nice to sit outside and watch them. Fall for me is the funnest time becuase football has ended and everything is quiet and peaceful. I have covered just about all we have to do here for fun in this little Small Town.

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