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<PICTURE EMBED="RIGHT" BLOB="B2731487" ALT="An image of two people passing an imaginary hamster to each other"> </PICTURE>

<p>Hi, my name is not Yanichka<FOOTNOTE>That's pronounced YAWN-itch-kuh, thank you. The best way to irritate me is to put the stress on the middle syllable.</FOOTNOTE> but it'll do for now. I like various things which are subject to change, but at the moment they include the TV shows "The X-Files" (back when it was good, i.e. Seasons 1 through 7) and "Good Eats" and "The Daily Show" and "Once a Thief". (If you are not familiar with these shows, don't worry about it.) I also like poetry and orange juice and and parentheses and that water-drop sound that you can make when you open your mouth and snap your cheek with your finger. (I say "you" and not "me" because I can't do it yet.)</p>

<p>Be sure to rest your mouse on that picture to see what it really is. Aren't 'alt' tags great?</p>

<TR><TD ALIGN="center">
<LINK H2G2="A1123372"><FONT FACE="Ariel" SIZE="2" COLOR="silver">
<B>The H2G2 Assassin's guild</B>
<SMILEY TYPE="ghost"/><BR/>
<FONT FACE="Ariel" SIZE="2" COLOR="silver">
<B>nil mortifi sine lucure</B>

<p>I also love music of many types, and I love talking about the obscure bands that I like. I work for a bookstore and a radio station.</p>

<p>I live here, near the computer, although I have been known to go without contact to the Internet for hours at a time.</p>

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