Burns Park, North Little Rock, Arkansas

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Nestled in the heart of the "Natural State" you'll find one of the United States largest municipal parks. The park is reputed to be the second largest municipal park in the United States following Central Park in New York City, New York. One thousand five hundred and seventy five heavily wooded acres hugging the banks of the Arkansas River. The park is a sanctuary for bird watchers, fishers, pleasure seekers , relaxers, picnickers, hikers and joggers. The park has extensive hiking and walking trails through wooded areas, meadows, and along the river. If you don’t fancy a stroll there are over 200 picnic tables where you can relax and enjoy a traditional lunch of southern fried chicken.

For the more athletically inclined the park is also home to two beautiful 18 hole golf courses, a miniature golf course and an 18 hole disk golf course. Though the park does lack a cricket field it does have three 300 yard softball fields, an adult baseball complex with 3 lighted diamonds and a women's baseball complex with 5 lighted diamonds. The tennis complex host six outdoor courts and six indoor lighted courts. Indoor courts use a Tartan surface, while a Laycold surface is used outdoors. The complex also includes handball and racquetball courts.

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