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Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) or as its often referd to Tig (tungsten inert gas) is a highly addaptable welding process. The basic componets are a power supply (mostly rectifers which means it can produce both AC and DC) which can be air cooled (for welding under 200A) or water cooled, A torch that has savrial parts of its own, a foot peddle,a gas cylender, and a ground. The tourch consistes of a tourch boddy a collet body, gas diffuser, ceramic cup, and in order to weld a tungsten.

prepair the tungsten this is determind by what you are welding but i would recomend sharping it to a point regaurdless. Place the collet into the the tourch body. push the tungsten though the collet body gas diffuser and ceramic cup. Tighten the cap on to the tourch body to hold the tungsten in place. The tungsten should stick out 1/8" form the cup. turn the machine on open the gas cylender fully, step on the foot peddle and set the gas to the oppriate amount (this will vary on cup size metal thickness, type of metal, etc... there are charts to help you with this. You will need a small bar of metal called a filler rod to weld.

To weld carbon steels sharpen the tungsten to a fine point then ground the metal to be welded. There should be a setting on the Power supply (or machine as its called) called High fequncey setting with 3 or more options (Start, continus, and suprise off) set it to start. I should mention that you dont need to have the high fequncey for carbon steel but it makes it much easer. Hold the tip of the tungsten 1/8" from the Work pieace (or base metal or work) then hold down the foot peddle. The current will flow though the tungsten and jump though the air creating the very bright and very hot thing you will no doubt stare at even though you know you shouldn't. As the electsicty (or arc) hits the metal it heats it very quickly and you will see a small puddle of liquid form this is molten metal and indeed what you want. Jab the end of the filler rod (held with the other hand, i realy hope you relised that on your own) quickly at regular intervals as needed. To weld two or more objects to geather make the arc form a puddle in the place that they meet bonding them with the filler metal.

Welding stianless steel is very simmiar to welding carbon steels. The tungsten should be sharpened the same and the basic movements are the same. The diffrence is that you have to have a high fequency machine to weld stainless and in stainless welding there can be NO gaps for a proper weld. Also stainless is run at a cooler tempeture then carbon steel. When welded properly a stainless bead should be small and have sevral colors such as purples and blues.

(this is a work in progress.)

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