The bible as plagarism?

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He was born on December 25th to a virgin mother; He was called a saviour, the only begotten son, and died to save humanity; he was crucified on a Friday - "Black Friday" and his blood was spilled to redeem the Earth; he suffered death with nails and stakes; he was the Father and Son combined in an earthly body; he was put in a tomb but three days later his body was gone and he was resurrected as the most high God; his body was symbolised as bread and eaten by those who worshiped him.
Does this sound familiar? Jesus? No - it's a description of Attis a God worshipped in what is now Turkey about 1000 years BC.

How about another example - the biblical story of Noah and the flood is an almost exact copy of part of the Epic of Gilgamesh which was written over a thousand years before the old testiment 'Noah' version was. On close investigation there seems to be very little of the bible that is truely original.

LDS (Mormons) will tell you that the bible has been corrupted and misstranslated over time. True - There are lots of examples of mistranslations the mention of the unicorn in it being an example. (In reality this probably refered to a wild ox, now extinct in the middle east.) Of course the Book of Mormon too seems to have changed too from the original 1830 version.

What about the missing books in the bible? There are 44 books refered to in the bible which have been edited out of the 'standard' versions. Many were weeded out by the Synod of 631 and are available in the Apocripha but some have vanished.

The Dead Sea Scrolls show the early Christian church, led possibly by James the brother of Jesus, to be an Essene group and angry at the false doctrine being spread about Jesus by Paul.

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