Oxford: Pubs

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Ok so Oxford is the nearest city to my home. I must admit that although it has it's down points it has many many good ones. For my first talk I shall introduce you to the world of the Oxford Pub. This is in fact a very large life as there are a great many very good pubs in the city most of which have their own characters. A few of my favourites are: Chequers, High Street. Freuds,Walton Street, elegant. The Grand Cafe, half way down the High Street, more elegance, piccy on ID.

Fuggle&Firkin, off Gloscester Green. The Turf, ask for directions, Very pretty and does amazing beer fests.

And the list goes on, in fact if you just go in to the center of town and wander round for a bit you are likely to find a good one, although there are the more dodgy ones such as the Gloscester Arm(Glock), you either need to be brave or a metal head to go in and come out alive, the same can be said of The Dolly, off Cornmarket Street which is where the glock lot go after closing as it's open till 2am.

For those with little or no ID the New Inn usually is fairly good at no fuss. Or The Wig and Pen which is not very good but you can get in from the age of about 15!

Bullingdon Arms, Cowley Road, sometimes very good gigs. As has The Point, above the Pub on the Plain.

YesBut, off George Street, many good cocktails as does The Old Orleans, opposite. Maxwells also does cocktails and has a great happy hour on saturdays.

Anyhow I shall update when more information appears.

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