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Buffy worrying he's mad at her, but then Giles' stiff upper lippy -no tears (just a little private moment to himself), no hootenanny, not even a hug- reaction turning out to be the most heartfelt welcome after all

The incredibly painful fallout between Buffy, her mom, and the scoobies. At a party full of strangers they get everything out in the open.

Willow's speech in the bedroom

Joyce realy trying:"I can make you a sandwich before you go?" "Why don't I drive you?" Inviting everyone for a formal dinner. Pleading with principal Snyder in vain and looking for a private school that will still take her daughter. "I would think they would be happy to have a...a super hero. Is that the right word? I mean, it's not offensive, is it?" Eventually she gets it right, clubbing the zombie with all her might (and, quite possibly, discovering a nice outlet for all her frustrated anger) and speaking the speak.

Oz's explanation of the different party-types

Joyce's description of Snyder: "That nasty little horrid bigoted rodent man."


Joyce losing a friend in her first battle gets conveniently brushed under the carpet, as we watch her joining the post-victory wisecracking. "So, this is a typical day at the office?" Good riddance, we were meant to hate her as she was an annoying to begin with

The Ovu Mobani storyline as a catalyst for a real reunion seems a tad heavy on the metaphor


Won't be the last we see of them in the buffyverse. (Angel season 4 for example) This time in two scenes with classical overtones: Giles in his car, a tribute to Dawn of the Dead, and the Scoobies plus Joyce invaded at the Summer's house like Michael Jackson in Thriller

Joyce joining the forces of good, clubbing the zombie with a baseball-bat like she's never done anything else in her life

Ovu Mobani
Or Evil Eye, a zombie demon whose power rests in a Nigerian mask


Buffy: "You have no idea what happened to me or what I was feeling"
Xander: "Did you even try talking to anybody?"

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