Halmstad cafés

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If you ever find yourself in the realativelly large town Halmstad in Sweden and feel like viseting a nice café here are some sudgestions:

Ulles Cafè: A nice, but pretty expensive café. It´s in the central parts of Halmstad and not to hard to find. But there prices are, as I said, a bit above average. For instance you have to pay to get a refill of your coffé. The fake marble interior is actually quite nice. They´ve got a sort of greek-roman thing going there.

Fribergs: The perfect café for those of you who feel like having some privacy. It´s located somewhat outside the center of the city, but still it´s not too far away from everything. The staff is nice and there prices are okey. You don´t have to pay for your first refill.
This is my own personal favorite.

Drottning Kristina Passagens café: The most exlusive and expensive café in Halmstad. But it´s defenently worth the extra money. It´s really classy. Sometimes a bit TOO classy...

Skånska Hembageriet: Here you can choose between beeing a real exebitionist and hiding away in the shadows. I kind of like it, but that´s mostly because it´s so easy to get extra coffé for free...
You just wait until the staff has moved away and then you can easily make your move (unless your conscience stops you...).

Those are the cafés I feel are worth meantioning. There are others, but trust me, Ivé tried them all and these are the best ones.

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