How to get anywhere from anywhere in Croydon

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The Concept

In the spirit of the true Hitch-Hiker, this is a page ( that can be printed off before you leave, or even read off your WAP phone ) that

will give you all the information about all you'll need to know anywhere in the world. As yet, only this page - for Croydon - exists - but

very soon, there will be pages for Leamington Spa, Coventry, London, Brighton, and more. Which is where you come in. If you've ever

been anywhere ( and we think you have ), then we need you to pass information on - esp. if it's the sort of thing that only the locals

will know about, like where to het two meals for the price of one in the middle of Stratford, 1 or where to get a copy of the lesbian Joy Of Sex 2. If you have any advice for the lost Hitch-hiker anywhere ( useful advice, like

where to get a pack of batteries at three o'clock in the morning ), then send it to [email protected] and it will get included

in these constantly updating, constantly changing pages...

You Are Here

Most of the time, we'll give directions that include the town or city's train station, simply because that's the place that's most well

sign posted in any town 3. Uhm, and that's it...

How To Find Transport In Croydon

The Train Stations

There are two train stations in Croydon. East Croydon is the biggest, and is a direct link to London Victoria and Brighton. It's

where you most likely to arrive at. So, if you're looking for West Croydon train station ( which serves the suburbs like Sutton, etc ) you

need to come out of East Croydon, and turn right. Follow the tram line right down ( past Barclays, over the road, past Woolwich ) until

you're at the end of George Street ( There'll be a church type building on the corner at your right ). Turn right, and carry on walking

until you hit the traffic lights. Then carry on walking for about five minutes. Basically, the station is opp. the KFC.

The Taxis

There are quite a few taxi firms in Croydon, but if it's a black cab you want, then come out of East Croydon train station, and do a

sharp left - towards the post office building. And you're there. Be careful, however, as on a Friday or Saturday night, there's usually a

line waiting. You could try any one of the taxi firms: there's one on the entrance to West Croydon Train Station ( See directions

elsewhere ), and another as you go towards West Croydon Bus Station ( See directions below )

The Buses

You could try West Croydon Bus Station. Not every bus will go thru there, but it should have information on every single bus

running thru the town. You come out of East Croydon Train Station, and turn right, following the tram line down to North End. When

you get there, turn right and carry on walking until you get to Marks and Spencer's. Turn right again, and then left at St Micheal's

Church. The Bus Station is right in front of you.

How to find other stuff in Croydon

The Internet

There's not really many places to log on in Croydon at the moment. Your best best ( and cheapest, honestly ) would be to get a

return ticket to Victoria, and go to the easy.internet store there. If you are stuck in Croydon, however, there are a few options. There's

a very small internet cafe very near East Croydon Train Station. Come out, and turn right. First road you come to, turn right into that.

The cafe is opp. the Warehouse Theatre.

You can actually log on for free, but it's a bit of a hassle. The libary, in the Clocktower Complex, have some computers, but you have

to book them, in person, and only on the day that you want them. It goes without saying that all the computers are gone pretty quick,

so get there early..

1 That'll be the Chicago Rock

Cafe, on a Monday
2 It's not really called that. The

real title is Making Out, and if you're in London, you'll find it in the Silver Moon bookstore on the Charing Cross Road. They do ask that

men don't drop in on thier lesbian floor.
3 Makes you feel really welcome, don't it?

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