A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm


Post 1

The Phantom Sheep

Hello, Just popped by to say i like you page. I look forward to checking out the hundresd of links you have, next time i'm on. TTFN


Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Hello Phantom Sheep, and thank you for those kind words about my page. I'd like to put some more pictures on it but this is my first ever attempt at code writing so I'm sticking to the easy stuff for the time being - links, headers, lists. I hope you enjoy the links. I certainly enjoyed some of the links on your home page, especially the bubble wrap and the Homer dance smiley - smiley


Post 3

The Phantom Sheep

Hello again, I've desided to go all seasonal, and am about to create a photo gallery. If you every create a home page I'll happily exchange links. TTFN


Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Is your h2g2 personal space written in GuideML or HTML? How do you do that thing at the bottom that says "welcome to my personal space" like a tickertape?


Post 5

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

What a cool name you have! And what an awful number of titles you have too!

(I have a feeling that the answer to this almost has to start with "All the better to...." but anyway, just thought I'd add my vote of support!)

smiley - blue, smiley - steam or smiley - devil


Post 6

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

I mean, uh, awfully long. Not awful.
And do you think the smiley .sig makes sense? I'm just trying it out for the first time.

Take care,
smiley - blue, smiley - steam or smiley - devil


Post 7

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Hello smiley - blue, smiley - steam or smiley - devil. I think your smiley.sig is really good, and I wish there was a gosh smiley.... there's a 'yikes' smiley, I wonder if that would work? .
Thank you for visiting my page, and for the kind words. As far as my name goes, I can't claim that I dreamed it up - I got it from a book by Geoffrey Willans and Ronald Searle called 'Down With Skool'. I'm always at a loss to think up good user names whenever I need one online, but then I'll think of one a few days later, by which time I've already used the one I punched in, and it wouldn't be helpful to change it smiley - sadface. And as far as the titles go, well, the good thing about h2g2 is that you only have to ask for them, and they're granted smiley - smiley I'm looking forward to checking out some of your links, especially the one on glass blowing - I could watch someone doing that for hours smiley - smiley. Nice talking to you.
smiley - yikesoosmiley - yikesoosmiley - yikes


Post 8

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

It'd be wonderful to be able to learn everything that interested you. If I had three lifetimes to devote to everything, glass blowing would definitely be one thing I'd do.

smiley - blue, smiley - steam or smiley - devil

Hello! (Ho Ho Ho)

Post 9

The Phantom Sheep

Sorry for the delay, I've not been tinkering with my websites and negleting H2g2

Here is a funky little piece of code which you can paste into a website or the guide, if you know html.

<!-- this scrolls text across the bottom bar-->

var msg = "Hello, welcome to my home page, Sign my guest book!";
var spacer = " ";
var pos = 0;
function ScrollMessage()
window.status = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + spacer +
if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0;
window.setTimeout("ScrollMessage()", 150);

This is not my creation, I'm not that good, I got it from Bravenet.com I think.

TTFN smiley - smiley

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