A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm

I hope you're ok

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

it said on the news that the explosion could be heard 400 miles away. Not sure how close you are.

I hope you're ok

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Last night when it went kaboom I was sitting in a beer garden exactly 111 miles away from West but I didn't hear anything, although it was pretty busy and there was much beer flowing smiley - cheers

Just for reference, I did hear the Harrods bomb when it went off. I was about four miles away inside a workshop in Hoxton (before Hoxton was hip smiley - winkeye) with loud woodwork machinery going, and the Staples Corner bomb in 1992 rattled my windows in Wood Green, five miles from the explosion.

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