A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm

What the hell is hat pneumonia?

Post 1


While no less puzzling than your normal nicknames, I have found this hat pneumonia thing particularly... vexing. smiley - erm I tried googling it and tried pronouncing it out several times but I am left with no alternative but to ask you directly.

smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

What the hell is hat pneumonia?

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

It's from one of the early Secret Policeman's Balls Jodan http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/documentaries/features/secret-policeman.shtml

In a sketch intended to highlight the awful state of the National Health Service at the time (and the cuts in public spending being implemented by the Tory government of the time) Rowan Atkinson is playing an auctioneer who is auctioning off a space in a hospital bed. The bids start off with relatively trivial complaints like sprained ankles, colds, ingrowing toenails, and steadily progresses as the illnesses get worse and worse.

He gets more an more excited as the auction goes on, and at one point he points to an imaginary bidder and says "Pneumonia! At pneumonia at pneumonia at pneumonia at pneumonia at pneumonia" then points to the other side of the 'room' and says 'Double pneumonia! At double pnuemonia etc etc etc'.

You need to see it to get the full effect smiley - biggrin

What the hell is hat pneumonia?

Post 3


smiley - biggrin

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