A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm
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IctoanAWEWawi Started conversation Aug 3, 2005
"Well, Ictoan, you'll have to excuse me for my information being a little less... up to date than yours. My father used to work for one of the electricity companies and that's where I get my meagre, but at one time accurate, knowledge of how these things work.
Hey, I was just trying to put a perspective on it from someone who had worked in it until very recently, wasn't trying to put down what you'd said or anything. Sorry if it came across a bit wrong, not intended.
I'm afraid the is just my almost automatic reaction to any claims of great efficiency in any part of any large infrastructure organisation. Was meant to be a humourous comment
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There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Aug 3, 2005
Hmmm, this was a few days ago wasn't it. Without seeing what it was you wrote - I can't remember which thread we were in - I can't say exactly what made me post that, but I do recollect an interpretation on my part of condescension in your post. Perhaps it was the that pushed my button.
I've forgotten the whole thing to be honest with you - no hard feelings, no grudges borne. I certainly shan't be thinking to myself 'Oh gawd, it's that superior little toerag Ictoan' next time we meet in a thread
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Vicki Virago - Proud Mother Posted Aug 4, 2005
"I certainly shan't be thinking to myself 'Oh gawd, it's that superior little toerag Ictoan' next time we meet in a thread"
Why not?
I do?
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There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Aug 4, 2005
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