A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm


Post 1


YES he's here again,can't you see he's fooled you all,rings a bell it's not Mike Oldfield is it? or I am sure I have heard that line from Phil Collins at some time.
Showing my age maybe?
What a song,what a group,what a performance.
Peter on stage (Newcastle 19**)or was it Sunderland,one of my fondest memories.
Still got the original "from Genesis to Revelations" album on Decca, may be worth a few bob in the future,but priceless to me.



Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Stick around, you'll see the rest of the song in its entirety - I've been working my way through it for the past couple of weeks.

I was lucky enough to see Peter Gabriel perform it just once - on the Selling England By The Pound tour... saw them twice more (Lamb Lies Down) before Peter quit the band. And yes, I did see them a few more times after that, until that day I went to see The Stranglers. Never looked back after that, and never went to see a band in an arena again for a very long time.


Post 3


I am afraid I have a very weird taste in music,but only in the sense of "if I like it I play it" From 60's to that "new stuff" they do now!
The last live show I saw was ELO 2 at the Grand Theatre in Leeds,which is where I live,so my musical tastes are varied, but my knowledge is limited to the groups,singers or performances I enjoy sticking on and listening to,or thinking "I have got to see this show"
Like most people I know the saying is "whatever floats your boat" and for me that is all that matters. I have seen groups that I would rather forget(though sometimes they were so bad it's hard to do) and groups that just blow you away,and that still don't get a contract with some major recording company. But as long as I can listen to the music I am in the mood for it works for me,so long live Coldplay and God bless Tchaikovsky,or even Eminem at a push.

Cheers whammy1smiley - smiley

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