A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm
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hi whatever-yer-name-is
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Mar 29, 2005
No, I didn't know that you and Noggin were together until I went to your PS just now Another Hootoo romance? Do tell
Was Noggin already living in Spain? Is blicky really your bro or is that just a term of endearment?
No, I've never been to a Hootoo meet, and I'm not sure I want to. I've never been very good at that sort of thing. I've met a handful of Researchers - Shea, TJ, Lighthousegirl, and Frenchbean of course, and I'm in regular contact with a few others such as Felonious Monk. I much prefer smaller, more intimate gatherings, and simple friendships, to large meetings where everyone is trying so hard to have a good time.
hi whatever-yer-name-is
azahar Posted Mar 29, 2005
Nah, Noggin was living in Wales and somehow I managed to entice him here with my *womanly wiles* . We're now trying to start up a biz together - wish us luck!
And no, blicky isn't my RL bro. Not sure how that all started but I'm sure it was him starting to call me BIG SIS on our chat thread some time ago. He's just a young whippersnapper ya know, a mere 33 years old. Anyhow, I love him dearly and am quite looking forward to finally meeting him in person tomorrow.
As for hootoo meets, Noggin says he enjoyed going to the last summer one. I've been told by others that they can be a bit weird. Some say they would feel too intimidated to attend one but I'm WAY TOO OLD to get intimidated anymore. You know what I mean?
Yeah, I agree with you about large gatherings of people. Much prefer smaller more intimate ones. Though I reckon at a hootoo meet people would break off into smaller groups anyhow. We might still go to the one in July, depending on my weight at the time.
Meanwhile, I'm also in contact with several other hootoo people by email or IM - honestly, they are really like my family.
Anyhow, friend, glad to see something nice has come from my disagreements with Della - that you got in touch and now we know each other a bit better.
hi whatever-yer-name-is
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Mar 29, 2005
Womanly wiles
I'm glad the romance is working out How long has it been? I guess there were no problems for Noggin moving to Spain since it's within the EU. What sort of business are you starting up?
Della... she doesn't bother me as much as she seems to bother others. She can be irritating, even downright childish at times, but I honestly believe that the best way to deal with that sort of thing is to either ignore it, or very matter-of-factly point out the obvious flaw in a statement, and then move on.
I only just signed up for IM. It's something I avoided for a long time because it was a major factor in me and BV splitting up - I was an IM widow But Felonious kept pestering me to get an account so that we could use it to make an internet phone call, so I did. I've only got two contacts
I'm not sure if I've ever spoken to you about you got from Canada to Spain... oh, and since we're talking about Spain, I just found this on the BBC new website http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4391585.stm
hi whatever-yer-name-is
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Mar 29, 2005
Oh, I ought to add that I'm very glad we've gotten to know each other a bit better too I've always admired your way with words, and I think I've said so on occasion
hi whatever-yer-name-is
azahar Posted Mar 29, 2005
Well, Noggin came here for a holiday last August and, um, basically never left. Well except to go back to Wales for a couple of weeks to pack up a few things. After thinking about several ideas we have decided to try my old clothing biz concept - something I first came up with about 12 years ago. Still doing research and all that stuff but we are quite happy to be working on something together.
Who is BV? Or am I being stupid again?
Meanwhile, Della only bothers me when she posts blatant lies about me - *somehow* I tend to take umbrage (so sue me). Most of the time I ignore her posts, except when she says something particularly nasty about homosexuals or abortion rights, stuff like that.
Re: your link. There was in fact a very famous American bullfighter in Seville called John Fulton, who died a few years ago. After he retired from bullfighting he became an artist and had his studio just around the corner from where I live. Here are some photos (photos 2-6):
I originally uploaded them for ~jwf~ as his RL name is John Fulton and thought it was one of those coincidences he might appreciate - and he did.
IM is quite nice, though I keep forgetting to set my thingy to 'away' when I'm not actually sitting in front of my computer, so sometimes people think I'm ignoring them. Well, I guess they don't really, they know I have my computer on all day and just check in from time to time.
I have to say that the nicest outcome of the recent nonsense with Della has been all the lovely people who have come to talk to me as a result - first talking about that and then just talking about other stuff.
Yer basic silver lining . . .
hi whatever-yer-name-is
azahar Posted Mar 29, 2005
Just saw that one now - took a long time writing that last post as I was on IM at the same time . . .
Well, that's what I meant about the silver lining. It's nice that it brought us together as we actually have never chatted before, though I know you're a friend of my good pal Mudhooks.
Aw shucks . . .
hi whatever-yer-name-is
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Mar 29, 2005
BV - Blue Valentine U189778
Well, yeah, I can see how someone posting lies about you would make you It'd sure enough piss the hell out of me. But since it's Della, and since her rants are usually so laughable and written like a six-year old stamping their little feet, I don't know if I'd be able to take them too seriously
Nice pics of John Fulton's place
Doesn't IM automatically set itself to 'away' if there's no PC activity for a certain amount of time? Windows Messenger does anyway - you can set it to however many minutes you want. Do you use WM?
"Well, Noggin came here for a holiday last August and, um, basically never left" Yeah, something like that happened to me once - a woman I'd recently met and fallen in love with asked me to stay at her flat in London to look after her two cats while she went off to Greenham Common for a long weekend... I ended up staying for five years, and it was because of her that I got my desire to live in the US (she was from Detroit).
"Mutual" Thank you
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hi whatever-yer-name-is
- 21: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Mar 29, 2005)
- 22: azahar (Mar 29, 2005)
- 23: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Mar 29, 2005)
- 24: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Mar 29, 2005)
- 25: azahar (Mar 29, 2005)
- 26: azahar (Mar 29, 2005)
- 27: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Mar 29, 2005)
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