A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm
BBC Radio in Austin
JulesK Started conversation Oct 4, 2004
Oi Gosho!
I found out for you - it was on today, Simon Mayo (don't know if he's staying awhile out there) - there to suss out the state which produced Bush, apparently.
Unfortunately I was in a meeting so didn't hear any of it
BBC Radio in Austin
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Oct 4, 2004
Ah I believe that if you go to the show's web page, you can listen to the latest show, so I guess they archive it for a day until the next one comes along. I'll see if I can find it, although I doubt I've got three hours free tonight
BBC Radio in Austin
JulesK Posted Oct 5, 2004
Heard a bit of it today. It's on 7am your time and he's there all week it seems.
Today it was about honky tonk music being good and line-dancing being bad. (I disagree I'm afraid but expect I'm in the minority!)
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