A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm


Post 1

Skankyrich [?]

Hello BH smiley - smiley

I was pretty gutted that you couldn't make the last Beerfest, because I went out and found a bottle of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale after some hard work. I was kinda planning to spring it on you as a surprise, as a kind of 2am 'and my next beer is...' With my upcoming holiday, though, that probably won't happen, so I thought I'd give you a shout.

Get hold of one and give me am approximate time and I'll have a drink with you when the festive madness is all over for you. It's been great to share the work with you, and I reckon it's only right that, at some point at the end of it all, we should raise simultaneous glasses and quaff.

Give my love to Flossie, Dewie and of course BV, won't you? smiley - smiley


Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yeah, but at least I had a good excuse for not being at the beerfest - I was busy slinging beer smiley - biggrin Including Sierra Nevada of course. I'm surprised you can get it in the UK, but then I'd never have thought Sam Smith's or Theakston's or St Peters would be on the shelves here. It's a small world.

The festivities are over and done with, hopefully (see relevant thread). I'm still sick as a dog though and I could *really* do with having my second paid week off *very very* soon. I'm in a very bad frame of mind, work-wise. A week is hardly enough and it'll be over in a heartbeat, but I'll take what I can right now. What are you dates? I'm gonna try and get mine maybe last week in January. I have no plans to do anything other than take it easy and unwind.


Post 3

Skankyrich [?]

It was in Asda, so I presume it's the Walmart connection that's responsible. There was also a bottle of some New York beer there as well, but I can't remember the name of it.

My holiday dates will probably be the last week in January and the first week in February. We're planning to fly somewhere hot and mooch around for a bit; it would be nice to go back to The Gambia but I'm not sure if we can afford it.


Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

The rep from the distributor who we get our Sierra Nevada beers from dropped off three sample bottles yesterday after I'd mentioned that we're going to be wanting to add at least one more bottle to our menu and change three draft beers, and that I was particularly interested in dark beers:


I tried the wheat beer last night. Not to my taste. In fact I can't stand wheat beers at all. A rep from a different distributor brought in one of these for me to try last week http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/8/40555 Well, I drank about a third of the bottle and had to throw the rest away then crack a bottle of Sam Smith's Oatmeal Stout to take away the taste. If only all medicine tasted as good as that smiley - drool And yet wheat beers sell like Coca-Cola here. Four out of our 24 beer taps have wheat beer on them, and they're among our biggest selling beers, especially during the summer. I just don't like 'em. It doesn't help that they all get a slice of lemon or orange as a garnish. If you need fruit with your beer, you're drinking the wrong beer my friend.

I've just opened the SN porter and poured it into a straight glass. Oh my goodness smiley - bigeyes Move over Sam Smith's, you're in second place now. SS Oatmeal Stout was my favourite until a few moments ago. And tomorrow I'm going to open the SN stout.


Post 5

Skankyrich [?]

Another one here, in case you've missed it:


We went for a midweek one in case you could make it smiley - smiley

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