A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm
Icy North Started conversation Mar 8, 2006
I find your comments on the 'Convo List Lag and missing posts' thread about 'usual suspects' 'bleating about the service' as being insulting, obtuse and inflammatory in the extreme.
I was in hindsight wrong to take this argument to the 'Ask the h2g2 community' forum a few weeks ago. Then, I had hoped to find some informed and concerned community members there. I was wrong.
I was particularly saddened by the responses of some of the more senior members of the community, particularly some of those with the office of volunteers. I found that I was basically being hounded out of the community for being critical of the service.
In the meantime, I have tried to learn more about the underlying reasons behind the delivery problems, and I have built some bridges with the editorial staff. I have not been posting critical comments regarding the more recent troubles - indeed I have posted some constructive advice. Despite the problems this week, I believe that there are some positive signs, particularly in the way the staff are communicating with the community.
I'm not planning to start another 'service' debate on the 'Ask the h2g2 community' forum, and I am asking you not to provoke one.
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Mar 8, 2006
I think you're being over-sensitive. If you'd said something like 'I reckon you went too far there' instead of "[you are] being insulting, obtuse and inflammatory in the extreme", I could take your comments more seriously and enter into a conversation about why I think I didn't.
I have an abrasive manner - I'm known for it and I make no apologies for it. Some people have even said that they like and respect me for it. I call a spade a spade. If that's too much for you then just ignore me. That's what I do in similar circs. It's a much better solution than being insulted or offended.
Icy North Posted Mar 9, 2006
I don't think it warrants a debate anyway, so we'll leave it at that.
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