A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm
holy guacamole!
azahar Started conversation Feb 18, 2006
Just received fab Tom Waits Live in Austen from Mudhooks, complete with groovy-cool artwork cd cover created by Ms Dubois.
So thanks for that - in a roundabout way - you know what I mean.
Mudhooks thought you'd be grateful for not having to send it to me song by song over skype . . .
Anyhow, totally loving it. All of it.
holy guacamole!
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Feb 18, 2006
Glad you like it
I have a few others too if you're interested, which I don't mind sending via Skype, including some tapes from an early 70s radio interview/performance where Tom sounds like he's about 15
holy guacamole!
azahar Posted Feb 18, 2006
I'm just chatting with Mudhooks on Skype now - you know, she first heard Downtown Train done by Rod! I didn't even know until she told me that Rod had done a version of it. Weird.
Oh, I'd love to hear the interview stuff. Did I ever tell you a friend of mine went out with Tom when she was 17? She said he was kinda weird.
holy guacamole!
azahar Posted Feb 18, 2006
Well, I can send you my skype name on an email if that's okay.
holy guacamole!
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Feb 19, 2006
Mine's omnigrits.
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holy guacamole!
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