A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm

Get the kettle on then...

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

(Yorkshire tea, I hope...)

sorry for the man rant, I forget that there are a couple of them subscribed to my sorry excuse of a journal.

and I can quite believe that you had a worse time from your wife than a lot of women (especially me) get from their husbands. We can be a really horrible lot.

If you want to rant about it, or whatever, you're very welcome to email me. I won't offer advice, or anything like that (unless you ask for an opinion) because i'm rubbish at that. (majclanger at arcor dot de)

But it does help to write it sometimes.

anyway, how are you these days?

Get the kettle on then...

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

As far as me the missis is concerned, all I need to say is that I was one doing all the cleaning and tidying and making sure the bills were paid on time while she was the one slobbing around on the sofa, although I ought to say that she did most of the cooking (and did it rather well) and all of the driving.

I had to stick it out longer than I might have in other circumstances because I'm a resident alien here and I was worried about being kicked out of the country. I still wonder each day if the INS are going to come knocking on my door saying that they believe my marriage was a sham just to get a green card, which wasn't the case.

Now that we're separated we're actually quite good friends again, although there is something else that could soon drive a wedge between us if she doesn't deal with it.

I'm er, doing alright these days I think. The job, although it's far from my ideal job, is going well and I enjoy it, mostly. Certainly more than the job I left in order to take it, but I'm still looking around for something better. And there's this woman who started working there a few weeks ago... smiley - whistle

Oh, I nearly forgot! smiley - tea

Get the kettle on then...

Post 3

Sho - employed again!

sounds like you married a procrasitnator... there's a lot of it about.

a woman at work, eh? sounds interesting...

and with the smiley - tea we need but there aren't any, so we have to have smiley - cake instead - although the guy is just about to bring us our dinner.

Get the kettle on then...

Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

No, I would call her a procrastinator, just lazy. And she knows she's lazy.

Yeah, a woman at work. Keep it under your hat - I've not come to a decision yet, although anyone reading my messages here will know by now smiley - winkeye Thing is, I'm 50 this year, and she'll be 29 this coming Tuesday. That makes her only two and a half years older than the wife, and I'd decided to swear off younger women. But last night at work I found that I was constantly looking over at the runners station to see if she was there, and later on she asked for my phone number so that she could invite me to her birthday bash next week. Which I will do my utmost to get out of cos I hate parties and party-like gatherings. But I might ask her out on a date smiley - winkeye

How can you be 49 years old and still act like a bloody teenager? smiley - online2long

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