A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm
Pete *not quite dead yet* Started conversation Jun 9, 2002
Hello, you have been random-helloed!
Because I am random, I wanted to say Hi.
So I did.
Guess that's it!
Nice meeting you!
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Jun 9, 2002
*Waves back*
Hello Cymbeline, nice to meet you Unfortunately I'm about to log off and go to bed. I see that you're in California (which I consider my spiritual home
) where it's not quite midnight, but here in Texas it's approaching 2am, and it's been a very long, and in parts trying day (see the Gosho Fan Club for details and updates
). Perhaps we can catch up again in the next few days
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