A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm
Problem with your Personal Page on WW2
Deborah - WW2 Team Started conversation Nov 28, 2005
Hi there,
The WW2 People's War Team is currently working on archiving the website, which involves taking all the data out of the DNA system and putting it into a 'flat', future-proofed xml site. This site will be archived on the BBC site, and also on selected partner websites.
Your current Personal Page is unfortunately not compatible with the archive because it contains non-standard xml. Even though it works perfectly on DNA, it will not display properly in the WW2 archive. It also contains information and links that do not relate to World War Two content – this will happen if you have contributed to WW2 People's War but originally registered on another DNA site eg h2g2 or Collective.
We would appreciate your help, either by fixing the code or posting up some information explaining your interest in the project and interest in the war – this will be of interest to future users of the Archive. To fix the problem, there are two options:
1. Leave your page as it is. If you do this, all the content that is currently on your Personal Page will be stripped out of the WW2 archive and replaced with default text to the effect that 'this user did not write any personal information about him/herself'. If you can't remember making any contribution to WW2 in the first place, this is probably the route for you!
2. If you have contributed stories or messages to the People's War site, you can use the SITEFILTER tag to create separate, text only content for your WW2 Personal Page. If you do this, the text on your WW2 personal page will be transferred to the archive, along with any contributions you made to the WW2 site. Your normal Personal Page, with smileys, images etc, will still be displayed on all other DNA websites, like h2g2.
If you want to go for the second option, you'll need this piece of code:
Here goes all the content that should be hidden from WW2 viewers, ie all the code that's currently on your Personal Page.
Here goes all the content visible to WW2 only - please stick to only text and paragraph breaks.
It's best to stick to a very plain, text only version of your Personal Page for the WW2 site. If you use smileys on this page, they will not appear as graphics, but as bits of code - so they are best avoided.
If you're interested in the archiving project, you can read more about it here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/ww2/Story-Happen
Best wishes
Problem with your Personal Page on WW2
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Dec 10, 2005
Hello Deborah.
Sorry I missed your post - for some reaon I almost always miss new posts to my Message Centre.
Are you having to send this message out to all h2g2 Researchers with material on the PS that conflicts with the coding of the WW2 archive? I'm not surprised that my PS doesn't contain information and links that don't relate to World War Two content cos (as far as I recall) I've never posted to WW2 or written anything on the site - I don't have any interest in the War or the project. I don't mean that in a perjorative way - WW2 is just one of those DNA communities that is outside the range of my interests. My PS is written entirely with the h2g2 audience in mind, so if it appears as the default on the WW2 archive, there'll be nothing lost for anyone - if I use the site filter tag then it'll be the entire page that gets filtered for WW2.
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Problem with your Personal Page on WW2
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