A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm
Overly suspicious?
frenchbean Started conversation Oct 15, 2005
Hey BH,
I've just been reading Sexton Blake (b*gger - sorry haven't got the A number) by sextonblake U2218967 and I'm suspicious about somebody finding hootoo and less than a day later submitting an entry that is so good.
Am I being awfully cynical?
Let me know what you think. I kinda don't want to comment on the entry, in case it's not for real.
I've done some googling, but didn't come up with any matches, but I'm still suspicious.
How are you anyhow?
I just went and bought a bed and a sofa (futon / sofabed actually) and had to come home and have a sit down with a to recover. $900 in one fell swoop
Overly suspicious?
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Oct 15, 2005
Well, I've Googled several passages from the entry and had no hits, but of course it could have been copied from one of those old-fashioned things called... a book I think they used to call them
I always Google parts of entries when my suspicions are aroused and probably 80% of the time it pays off, so no, I don't think you're being too cynical. It could well be that we have a fantastic new writer on our hands. It's happened before you know
Dang, your apartment is going to be furnished before mine, and I've been here since March I have at last got a little bit of spare cash, but I can't decide what to spend it on - there are so many things I need and it's not enough for most of them. Shelves, cabinets, PC, food processor, mixer, cutlery, saucepans...
Oh, and a new bike wouldn't hurt either. And a pair of reading glasses that are made to fit my eyes and my bonce instead of an off-the-peg pair.
More to come in an email I think
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Overly suspicious?
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