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We don't know what she's been up to on those "unannounced walkabouts", of the past weeks, but this is the moment we witness Faith go seriously off the rails. Problems with an "authority figure" like Wesley are only too understandable as Buffy and Giles' maybe a little unfair yet oh-so-funny mockery proves, but turning Buffy into another fancy-free dropout is the start of an unstoppable downward spiral. The want-take-have mentality always seems to have been there, applicable to boys as well as material items. But so far we haven't seen it lead to vandalism and theft. (Although from her reaction to the cops arresting them it certainly looks like this ain't her first time.) Yes, she's been living large and loving the slaying, but hitherto there was always the sense that underneath that loose-moraled loudmouth attitude there was a bruised girl trying to cover up her vulnerability. Which is what she does here too, only after reaching a point of no return. The shop raid and the car crash were worse enough, but killing a human being is unprecedented, even for her, as the shock in her eyes testifies. Though Buffy has been there before, falling to pieces when she believed to have killed her mother's boyfriend (Ted), after two years of all the "slaying-stabbing-beheading" monsters and vampires, she's still horrified at the sight of a human being getting stabbed to death. Especially since the killer is her fellow slayer, the only person in the world like her.
But Faith doesn't call an ambulance. And certainly not the police. She seems accustomed to cover her tracks, something we can reduce from her period alone on the run from Kakistos. But it feels like this rogue lifestyle has a longer history, something we can only assume, knowing nothing about her actual childhood. Anyway, it has led her to cover tracks not only literally but also emotionally, completely shutting down and moving on, careful not to show anyone her true emotions. We saw a glimpse of this at the end of Revelations, when her feelings of betrayal after finally opening up a little seemed justifyable. This time howerver, she has committed a murder, no matter how unintentional. And that's not something you can "do that selective memory thing" (Gingerbread) about. Not Buffy, who's been made into an accomplice in covering it up, and not herself, for whom this may be either a turnig point or a stepping stone. Sadly, from her reaction to Buffy, reaching out even after what happened, it looks like the last.


Buffy and Faith dancing in the Bronze together, guys swarming about them. Followed by Buffy jumping on to Angel. Mew! Hungry and horny after all?

The two watchers together. The new one actually being the old one. Prissy, bookish Wesley in his buttoned-up suit, making Giles the cool one. Though they clean glasses simultaneously (another moment to cherish) and both immediately reach for the books to check things, Giles, relieved of his duty, has not only taken off the "layers of tweed" -revealing a once far too daring blue shirt with red braces- but by now can adapt to things as they come, toughened up by his past two years on the Hellmouth, punning and fighting when required.

Buffy and Giles, fronting Wesley together. Not completely fair, but oh-so-funny.

The Mayor, a fairly freaksome combination of chipper attitude and eerieness. Having his picture taken with the scouts, and checking off his "to do"-list.


Taking a closer look at Balthazar -don't try this at home if you want to keep your food down- it's obviously a not too well-fitting Michelin-suit, with the hands loosely moving in the 'arms'.

A club open and that crowded in the afternoon? Must be a Sunnydale-thing. Or Buffy and Faith took a long time to eat, being hungry after slaying a whole nest of vampires during school hours.

How did Angel know Wesley and Giles were captured by Balthazar's minions?

Balthazar gets to make a threat before dying, yet they don't give poor Allan any last words?


Wesley Wyndham-Price.
The new watcher in town. Early Giles squared. Not only lives by the book, but expects 'his' slayer to contribute to the library, asking her for written reports on every patrol. Comes checking on her at the Bronze, wanting a phone number to reach at all hours. Has faced two vampires before coming to Sunnydale. Under controlled circumstances, of course. Must be assigned by Quentin Travers.

Supposedly long dead ancient demon seeking to increase his strength with the amulet once belonging to him but now in the Gleaves family crypt. Has telekinetic abilities. Also, "not the prettiest man in town"(Innocence): horrendously bloated, he lives in an enormous tub and needs to be constantly kept wet to relieve his apparent pain. Red eyes, pointy teeth. Electrocuted by Buffy, but not before he gets to finish some ominous last words.

The Eliminati
Possibly the buffyverse's first honorable vampire cult. Founded in the fifteenth century, they still fight with swords: each member has a long and a short one. Supposedly practically eradicated due to excessive duelling. Come to Sunnydale to retrieve the amulet. Devotees of Balthazar. Their leader, Vincent, is taken out and locked up by MrTrick when attacking the Mayor in his office, and staked after cleaving the mayor's head in two.


The mayor performs a dedication ritual that makes him invulnerable and will lead to his "ascension" 100 days from now.

Faith accidentally kills deputy mayor Allan Finch and disposes of his body

Sometimes Oz's hair is black

Buffy's clothes reflect her changes of heart: starting as a "meek little girly girl" in a lilac ensemble complete with flower hairclip, she changes into black leather going with Faith, but finishes

The two parental figures of the buffyverse show what a long way they have come.
Joyce seems finally to have come to terms with her daughter's destiny: "Don't worry. I'm not gonna meddle in your slaying. Just as long as you're careful." Only increasing Buffy's guilt over her shop raid run-in with the police car accident-night.
Giles' by now striking contrast with Wesley is described in the highlights-section. Doesn't he shine in his superior punning and courage?

Willow now calls herself wicca and has done another protection-spell. This time resulting in lavender-scented scapulae for her and Buffy. Big improvement on the sulphur from I Only Have Eyes for You.

Like Xander last week, Willow is brushed off by Buffy with the excuse a night of slaying will be too dangerous for her. Despite the sweet-smelling scapulae she made.

Xander and Willow's wild thing last week is hinted at by her fishing for a confession of "sweating, nightly, side-by-side action" from Buffy. And it has given him a tic in his right eye every time her name is mentioned.

Willow has several first-rate universities trying to woo her into applying.

Even after The Zeppo, Cordelia and Xander continue their snappy comebacks.

Buffy is nearly drowned by one of the eliminati. While we hold our breath, having flashbacks to Prophecy Girl, she just gets back up punning instead of traumatized: "I hate it when they drown me".

Giles has kept diaries of his time as Buffy's watcher. They now pass onto Wesley.

The Bronze is apparently also open -and crowded- during daytime, as Buffy and Faith go dancing after eradicating the vampires' nest during school hours.

Ironic note: once Buffy's test results showed her aptitude for law-enforcement (What's My Line), now she's on the other side.

Buffy saves Angel from getting killed by skullcrush at Balthazar's hands.


Mayor: "With any luck, they'll kill each other."
(Referring to slayers)

Buffy: "The wooing stage is always fun".

Faith: "When are you going to get this, B? Life for a slayer is very simple: want-take-have."

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