Shakespeare and Deep Thought: What's The Connection?
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
After intense studies and numorous sleepless nights, I think I may have stumbled onto something partically useful in the conquest to find the Ultimate Question to the Ultimate Answer of life, the universe, and everything, 42. This startling revelation came upon me one dull afternoon of studying 13th-century English theater. I was shocked to find out that William Shakespeare, always the visionary on life, had inadvertantly hidden inside one of his greatest works a key to unlocking the computer program that he, as everyone else, was part of. Why are we born? Why do we die? And why do we spend so much time in between wearing digital watches? All this stuff is laced completely through his plays. And it's my personal belief that inside the most famous speech of his most famous play, Hamlet, the Bard himself slipped into writing the Ultimate Question in it's entirty. Wow. Imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon something the universe has been searching for for generations, and was right there in plain sight all this time. And so, ladies, gentlemen, and etc, I present the Ultimate Question to the Ultimate Answer of 42, coming soon, in an enlightening entry right here at H2G2!