Being a Teenage Christian

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--------Work in Progress-----------

Being a teenager can be hard enough, but being a teenage christian can be harder. As well as having problems with parents/friends/school/exams and all sorts of other things, you have to put up with people constantly questioning your faith, and if you don't know where you are spiritually, this can really damage your faith.

This article isn't just for teenage christians, it's for everyone. Hopefully it will show that we need to be tolerate of other people's faiths.

Below, I have written a short passage on several areas/aspects of being a teenage christian that I found/find particularly hard to deal with.

Basically, going to a CU group is considered 'sad', and can lead to a bit of taunting. But the worst thing is if you have frineds who do not have the same beliefs as you, and also make fun of you or try to persuade you not to go. Do you stay with your friends and give in? Or do you leave them and walk off down the corridor to wherever the CU group is hoping that you haven't gone bright red?

What's really bad is that CU groups can be one of the best groups you'll ever go to, and a really good way of introducing you friends to the christian faith. CU groups give you a chance to meet other christians and discuss problems with people who share your beliefs and are also your own age. Sadly, they are considered the height of uncoolness, not that I'm exactly sure how the people who decide what 'cool' is would know as they have never been.

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