Mortal Kombat

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I was surfing the Guide when it hit me that insofar as I have discovered, H2G2 is a pretty much MK free zone. To repair this injustice I have decided to write of my experiances with Mortal Kombat.
It all began in a small Pittsburgh Laundromat. While my mother was laundering our clothes (& my towel, though I had yet to discover it's value) I would save up 6 or 7 dollars in quarters & would spend the whole time playing Mortal Kombat 2 in their "arcade" (2 bloody game machines, but I was young & had never been introduced to a proper arcade) as such I became quite skilled(I flatter myself. lol), filled up the High Scores (It never ceased to amaze me, hearing "The Greatest Warrior is...J.M.G.")then, last year I was in a small video game resale shop when I heard the challenge again for the first time in 8 years.
"The Greatest Warrior Is...O.W.F." But this was a MK4 machine & I was brutally murdered in Round 1 because all the combos on my master character Raiden God of thunder had been changed since MK 2. so I pulled out my wallet, forked out a 10$ bill & bought his last copy of Mortal Kombat 4 for N64, now that machine screams out that "The greatest Warrior is J.M.G."
Anyway, enough of my reminiscing, here is my lecture on MK4.
CHEATS: go to the "continues:" on the options menu. highlight it and hold down Run+Block. you'll hear the word "OUTSTANDING" spoken. only <u>1</u> can be activated @ a time.
But anyway. The storyline of Mortal Kombat is simple. a bad guy comes out of the netherworld & threatens Earth, in order to conquer he must defeat Earth's warriors (led by Earth's guardian Raiden) in Mortal Kombat. There are always the following characters.
Scorpion (evil)
Raiden (good)(wasn't in the MK3 game)
Liu Kang(good)
Johnny Cage (good)

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