Standard Response to Evolutionist Trolls

3 Conversations

The entry is provided for those who are fed up posting the same replies on messageboards to evolutionists who never listen. It is not intended to be a reply to the post, merely a warning flag to passing readers. If they see this reply to an evolutionist post, and read it, they will know that they do not need to take it seriously.

Feel free to copy and paste the following paragraphs as you feel the need:

‘This is a post from an evolutionist who believes that we evolved over millions of years. Evolutionists make huge assumptions based on the evidence that we can see. They refuse to accept that we have never seen what is known as ‘macro-evolution’ and instead try to prove their theory by using examples of variations (changes within a created kind) to prove their theory. Evolutionists also fail to accept that their belief is a religious belief that cannot be proven. Thus, they resort to ridiculous arguments including ‘gravity is just a theory-do you believe in gravity?’ failing to realize that we can see and observe gravity but we cannot see all animals evolving from a common ancestor.

Evolutionists also refuse to accept that the fossil record does not support evolution. Even Charles Darwin said that if his theory was true, we should find billions of transitional fossils. However, none (except a few highly debatable bones) have been found.

Evolutionists are naturally irritated by their lack of evidence for evolution. They still continue to promote pieces of ‘evidence’ that are long out of date (Java Man, Lucy, archaeopteryx etc) in a desperate attempt to pull the wool over people’s eyes. Many of them have had to resort to promoting lies and complete fakes. These include recapitulation (put forward by Ernst Haeckel), Piltdown man, the peppered moths, archaeoraptor etc. Most of these are still taught by evolutionists despite the fact that the top evolutionists have all admitted that they are fakes.

The poster of the original question usually refuses to admit that there is another scientific view (many scientists do not believe in evolution). They do this because they wish to believe that evolution is science and all other views are religious. They do this to give themselves a false sense of security and a feeling of intellectually superiority. Many evolutionists are militant atheists and use the theory of evolution to prove God wrong. They are, however, willing to con Christians into believing evolution to try and combat Creationists. As well as using this deceptive technique, evolutionists often resort to smear campaigns. They usually brand Creationists as ‘liars’ without even reading their arguments. Evolutionists also refuse to let both sides of the argument be heard by people in case people realize that evolution is not a proven fact. This was made plainly obvious by the actions of top evolutionist, Richard Dawkins when he tried to shut down a school that taught children how to think instead of indoctrinating them with atheist beliefs. Most evolutionists supported the actions of Richard Dawkins.

If you think that the poster has posted a question worth answering then please look at Answers in Genesis, the Institute for Creation Research or True origins. These sites are all run by professional Creation scientists. If that doesn’t help, then post any questions here or on h2g2 and we shall try to give you an answer that contains some genuine, true science.

God Bless'

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