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Well, I was looking for an entry about Bradford the other day, and to my amazement, couldn't find one. So, I thought I'd try and correct that oversight.

Bradford then. Well, situated in West Yorkshire, a stones throw from the seething metropolis that is Leeds, and the one time hub of Englands once thriving textile industry.

The name comes from "broad ford" which describes the origins of the city, in that it was founded near a broad ford over the Beck, a large stream which now flows under the city.

Bradford is more famous these days as the "curry capital" of the north, thanks to the large number of curry restaurants dotted around the city. This is in no small part due to the large number of asian immigrants who have settled here over the years, and add a rich and welcome diversity to life in this city.

Bradford is much maligned in the media and in public opinion, as being somewhat backward and generally not a very nice place to be. The truth, however, is anything but. There are many examples of fine architecture, both within the city centre and in its environs. Although, having said that, there are also just as many "carbuncles", as Prince Charles would no doubt describe them.

The nightlife in Bradford is dominated primarily by a pub culture, with a scattering of reasonable nightclubs dotted around the city centre. The aforementioned curry restaurants offer a large selection of excellent Indian cuisine for those eating out, or just going for something to eat after the pub, There are however, restaurants which offer alternative choices, such as Mexican, Thai and Chinese food, along with the ubiquitous (but quite excellent) fish and chip restaurants.

On the whole, the people of Bradford are down to earth, good natured people, and in the main live in relative harmony with each other.

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