Chevelle SS

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The Chevelle made by Cheverolet was widely regarded as the greatest muscle car ever to hit the production line. It first did so in 1964. It was a car of great power, running anything from a 350 small block to a powerful stock 454. Not only a car of great power but also of great beauty. The Chevelle posessed something that could turn the head and take the breathe of any devoted car lover. It was available in many different models such as the Malibu, the 300, the convertable, The 4-door grocery-getter, and last but not least the Super Sport. The Super Sport a.k.a SS was the most well known Chevelle. It had two SS stripes running the length of the car and SS badges on the grill and body panels. Many SS's came factory equiped with 396 or 454 big blocks wich set them apart from the rest. The body style of the Chevelle changed every two years. Starting with the rather boxy 64-65, 66-67, the sleak 68-69, and the 71-72. Only in 1970 did this patern alter. The 70 year model was unique and set off from the rest in that it was the only Chevelle sporting this body style. The 70 being unique lead many to favor it over the rest. After the 71-72 the muscle car era came to an end. As the muscle car era died with it went the Chevelle and the hearts of many of its fans. The Chevelle that strived thourgh the muscle car era was now hanging by a thread and in 1974 it was all over. There has been talk of new Chevelles being produced in years to come. Faint rumors have sparked debates to whether there is a car worthy to cary this legendary name. Even if a car was made it wouldn't be the same. Only in the hearts of the true Chevelle lovers will the car live on. links for more information on Chevelles.

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