The Mighty Boosh

9 Conversations

The Boosh. To all, it is a name which boggles. (Even if you know its owners. Particularly if you know its owners.) To some, however, it conjures up images of yetis, tiny wives, postal excitement, backwards rams legs, and little blue shorts. (Mmm, little blue shorts...) Whether Mighty, Arctic, or Auto, the duo that are the Boosh are the loveable moppets of HotNewComedy, and they want to wrap you up and take you skating in their weird little world...

"Someone put bamboo in with the penguins, they all vaulted out"

The Boosh is made up of two people; Noel Fielding (who has the hair of a Sixties Girl) and Julian Barratt (who doesn't). You might remember Noel from his appearance as A Brothel Gent in *Plunket and MacLeane*, or for his surrealist woodland-animals ramble on the Midfield General's "Midfielding" track. Julian, meanwhile, sometimes makes records with The Pod, and has graced our screens as a Metz-serving eye-patch wearing bar-man. Both do stand-up by themselves. (Going to the other's gigs was actually how they "got together".) But it is as The (Perrier-Award-Winning) Boosh that things get very excite-able...

"I've never seen anything less like me in all my life, it's like looking at a cup."

The Boosh make gloriously hammock-riddled surrealist comedy. They know the value of voles. Noel makes his own antlers. They have songs about different levels of pain (I believe no. 3 is "you sunk my potato"). Sometimes, they rap about the perils of the Arctic. (At other times they just fall over their snow-shoes.) They really really like Spain. Julian can make me laugh just by twitching. Their sets has been known to feature Mr. Jiffy ("come here and pop me soft packaging bubbles"), a, um, demon envelope ensemble. In their dream future, Noel & Julian get a TV series which involves them driving around France in a silver van solving mysteries, in the style of The Littlest Hobo crossed with The A-Team ("Yeah; I'll be Face. Obviously. Julian will be Hannibal."). And they are, as it happens, utterly delightful...

"You know I can't come with you, I have to play the characters when you get there!"

Oh yes, and a Mighty Boosh is, apparently, a particularly fantastic hair-style. Well, it is round their way...

N.B. To read an interview with the Mighty Boosh, please click here:

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