The Night Stonehenge

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Young Peter put aside his ventriloquist’s dummy. “They’ve found voodoo dolls near Stonehenge. A cult is missing.”

“Really, because I found a book of time travel.” said his uncle, Professor Benedict Clarke.

A woman arrived in a nearby village, wearing a grey dress. “I’ll be burned, as a witch!”

“No, you won’t!” said Peter, who was in a shop.

Professor Clarke added, “People from the past have awoken here!”

“I was told by the witch hunters of Spider Hill.” said the woman.

Peter saw a sprawling ceiling-bound painting. “It has Romans, Celts, Greeks, Persians and Egyptians all united around Stonehenge!”

Clarke left his equipment on a stone. “I’ll come back to get it, when I go to the hall.”

The witch revealed, “I am Ann Phelie, daughter of high warlock Hugo Phelie, but I’m no witch!”

Peter was attacked by the painting’s many hordes. “History’s folding back!”

“No, reality’s torn apart, causing history and dreams to combine.” said Clarke.

The giant spiders of Spider Hill were making voodoo dolls. They used a black hole to gain the power of voodoo. They microwaved the doll of a woman, who rolled in the grass, only to become a charred corpse.

“They’re using technology to enhance power.” said Ann.

Peter entered an old cottage. “It’s all about witchcraft. There’s a spark on a candle!”

The ancient warlock, Hugo walked out of a stone.. “I am connected to a black hole. I can use it to power magic.”

Clarke added, “Stonehenge is an alien hyperspace bypass, long abandoned..”

“Since the fall of the Romans,” added Ann.

Peter knew that the Romans had liked Stonehenge. “They told the aliens about world cultures.”

“I shall conjure death.” said Hugo.

Clarke lit the fuse of an atomic bomb. “I’ll destroy the dormant force!”

Stonehenge released bubbles of warped time. Earth was now in a state of turmoil. Humanity was kept alive in rings of gravity and oxygen.

Ann was returned to 1638, as an anti-witch hunt campaigner. “I’m going to live!”

Peter saw the Seeker, an alien scientist. “She’s the pioneer of voodoo!”

“Hugo, I am the Seeker. If a balloon goes near a wall, it will bounce. Time is the same, if you look at the Earth nearing the sun.”

Clarke killed Hugo, and shut the black hole that controlled the bypass. “I’ve shut it.”
Peter woke up in a lift shaft. “This is the new reality!”

Hugo acted as a punch and Judy man. “These are part of my sacrificial trap.”

Clarke jumped over a stone table, and found that Hugo was cheating death. “He’s dead, Hugo’s dead. You’re the Seeker.”

Hugo’s face fell off, revealing the Seeker. “I want to play with time.”

Peter returned to Stonehenge. “Ann, help me!”

Ann led the painting’s hordes to stop the Seeker. “I’m using these people who are from different periods.”

Clarke entered the future, a world of research bases and cloning. “The transmitter is Stonehenge. If I break the signal, all those weird events will vanish.”

Peter simply led Clarke away. “If the interference gets in, time’s more complicated.”

Ann sent a signal to Jodrell Bank radio telescope. “They’ll use weapons to guard ‘Henge!”

Peter broke up voodoo dolls. “Let’s go!”

Ann returned to 1638.

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