Rhodes, Greece

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Rhodes, or Rodos, is a quite large island off the coast of Turkey.


The currency is the Greek drachmais. The coolest coin is the one worth 10 drachmais, which has Dimokritos on one side and an atom on the other side.


The time is GMT +2.

Also, don't pay much attention to the fact that time is passing by as you wait for taxis, buses or boats. They will arrive, eventually.

Buses and taxis

The driver usually has some religious things hanging from the rear-view mirror. This is probably nothing to worry about.

If you need a cab, you can either phone for one (this will cost you more money) or just wave one in from the street. Don't worry if there are one or two passengers in, if you are going to the same place as they you can go with them. Empty cabs are virtually inexistant (because they want to make money), so this is the way to go.

There are special taxi stations where you can wait for a taxi. This is where the empty cabs usually go. If you are four people or more you should try getting to a taxi station or dividing up into smaller groups. There is usually a man at the taxi station calling out where the people in the cab are going, so that they can fill the cab up. Don't hesitate if they call out your destination, or someone else may grab the cab.


Scooters are very popular on Rhodes and thus they are a great part of the traffic. Also, traffic here goes by the simple rule of "first come, first served" and speeding is not unusual.


Very important. Preferably something without alcohol in it. If it's 40 degrees Celsius you should drink four litres of water/day. The tap water is okay, but if you are a real connoisseur you can buy water from any local supermarket.

1,5 litres of soft drink costs 500-600 drachmais.

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