Rome and Milan: two small villages in a very small planet
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
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<TITLE>Rome and Milan: two small villages in a very small planet</TITLE>
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<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR="#ff0000"><P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">Rome</FONT>. Unavoidablly I compare it with Milan, that I have lived for years. I think, in this period, on the main differences between the two cities, one under the eyes, the other in the memory. </P>
<P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">Rome, seems to me, is a city that, in opposite of its dimension and complexity, is still expression of the citizens who inhabit it. It’s a city still made of persons, of social relations, deep or occasional, cradle of varied humanity. It’s a city where the places and the shapes of the power (political and religious) is represented clearly like independent apparatuses, to outside and over living the daily one, that sure attitude to the irony, the "satira", the "derisione" of something can therefore conserve one to outside of himself. Social integration seems to be measured on the amount and articulation of the social relationships that everyone succeeds to construct. </P>
<P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">Also the relationship with the physical city concurs, every so often, an observation from the outside: smoking a last nocturnal cigarette on the lookout of the Gianicolo I can watch the city and think to it from outside, absorbing for a moment the sweet feeling of the individuality.</P>
<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR="#ff0000"><P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">Milan</FONT>, to the contrary, forge the citizens, enlists them, trains and absorbs in an organism that seems living of own life. The shapes of the power (this time economic) are diffuse, capillary, everyone to be part. Who are outside (who does not work or work in not structured way is, and he is felt, an off side). The degree of social integration measure in the contribution that every give to the life and reproduction of the organism and its rules, enduring, to chain, enlistment and the training of new vital forces. </P>
<P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">Orography of the city does not concur "estraniamento" moments: the only shape of affirmation of the own humanity is the ritual week-end escape towards mountain and lacustrine extremity of the own city life. Milan is one city that it disheartens, than blunt the force and it it wants to watch far away and to discover that the world wider, is articulated and perhaps beautifulr than how much it does not seem seen from there. I have the impression, watching from Rome, that Milan it cancels the possibility to hope, to watch beyond and over of the real and daily life. </P>
<P ALIGN="JUSTIFY"><FONT SIZE=4 COLOR="#ff0000"><P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">I'm sorry</FONT>. My english is a Altavista translator's son. </P>