Doctor Who Story: A Recovery To London chapter one

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A spaceship was going through time and space. The humanoid crew were Malessans, who planned on Earth. Queen Terma was dead, and the crew had to stop somewhere.

Meanwhile, Ace and the Doctor were in 1979, after seeing the band Queen at a concert. "I need to visit Perivale again." said Ace.

"I was planning on a visit to 1838, to watch Queen Victoria's coronation." the Doctor said.

"I'd like that, but where next?" said Ace.

The TARDIS accidentally landed on top of the royal coach. "Let's have a picnic!" the Doctor gasped, rolling out a tartan rug.

"I am Queen from now on!" said Victoria.

The cumbersome Malessan craft landed near the parade. "It's a craft." said Ace.

The Doctor had to escort the craft to the right date. "This time is 1989. It's Malessan. They're Time Lord allies."

The ship's captain, Henry Amadeus Royce relaxed in his bed. "I'd like to review the state of comets. They are very icy."

Ace saw Big Ben. "The craft could land in Hyde Park."

"I think I should open an antiques shop." said Captain Royce, in his Sherlock Holmes-inspired deerstalker cap.

The Doctor knew that Sherlock Holmes was Royce's boyhood hero. "He thinks he can solve any problem."

Ace entered the ship. "Hello, who are you?"

A young woman arrived. "I am Chim, the assistant surgeon and captain's cleanup."

“Let’s get ready to stop!” said Royce.

“I know what you mean.” said Chim.

“I am Doctor John Smith.”

“My name is Ace, by the way. We helped tow the ship.”

“Well, as captain, I have announcements to say. Carol Devonshire is ninety years old.”

“This sounds like my pet rabbit. I do have a rabbit.” added Chim. The rabbit was in mind-lock with both Royce and Chim.

“It is immensely powerful for a Malessan.” said the Doctor., leading the Malessans across a high street.

Ace saw that the light-hearted Malessans were keen on jokes and novelties. “They like motorcycles, like me. They like colourful clothing.”

“The planet Demos has been hit by a catastrophic apocalypse. Another Class-A ship’s crashed!” said Royce.

Chim read an issue of the Beano. “It’s funny. I like Dennis. He is a hero of the Conglometons.”

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