Putting entries in Peer Review
Created | Updated May 3, 2005
First of all you edit it, then you save it, and right below the link to edit it is is a link saying "Submit For Review". You do this, and then you are told that if it meets the guidelines and is finished, you should submit it to Peer Review.
Couldn't be easier.
And as a result we have, in the past few days, been treated with this:
F48874?thread=634728, and this:
F48874?thread=635769, and this:
F48874?thread=635713, and this:
F48874?thread=635604, and this:
F2090652?thread=632857, and this:
I'm sure I could find lots, lots more if I could be bothered, but you see my point.
Of course, if you do submit such entries to Peer Review you are liable to get either a slap in the wrist or occasionally to get bawled out of it by a reviewer who woke up out of bed on the wrong side that morning. (And some of our reviewers *deliberately* wake out of bed on the wrong side *each* morning, so be warned!)
We need to start thinking about putting "Submit for Review" somewhere else on the page, to have clear instructions that tell people that Peer Review is not just for "meeting guidelines and is finished". It's a bit more than that. The way its written you would think that it meant meeting house rules or something.
So, could we have some changes made to the "Submit for Review" page please? Pretty please? Please, please, please, please, please?