1 Conversation

Just a small country the size of Wales but with a population of 2,500,000 of which only 850,000 are Kuwaiti, all living in an area the size of Cardiff.

Since the invasion by Iraq when 0.1% of the population were kidnapped and now known to be murdered (that is the equivalent of 250,000 US citizens) the country breathed a collecitve sigh of relief on 9 April 2003 when Sadam was toppled. There are still signs in the Country thanking the 'Allies' for their efforts!

But with no real democracy (the National Assembley (2 May 05) voted against votes for women (again) and with too much money and no business sense the country will slowly unravel unless sustainable development and proper business practices are allowed.

The economy is 95% reliant on oil (c.f Dubai whose GDP is a little lower than Kuwait and is at most 13% reliant on oil!!) and that gives an indication of the problems building here.

If you come to live here the randomness of the beaurocracy quickly asserts itself from only being allowed to stay if sponsored by a Kuwaiti for business, to 95% of the Kuwaiti population being emoployed by the Government, the civil service is literally 'jobsworth' with no one taking responsibility for their actions. You can be arrested for not carrying or having an uptodate civil identity card (EU could learn a trick or two about that!) and in order to get one have to have residency rights and in order to get one of those have to apply from within Kuwait and then have a blood sample and medical outside Kuwait to compare with the one you have inside Kuwait, so you remain in limbo for many months! (And at your/employers cost!!)

Cost of living is creeping up and housing now a major headache on cost but quality generally very good. Inflation is felt by all non-Kuwaitis as the indigenous population get Government handouts every few months!

Weather ranges from 'cold' winters (circa 5-15C) to hot summers (45-50C) so only sunbath during February to May and September to November!

And look out for the driving. Not sure if it is still the most dangerous place for road deaths but still one of the worst when based on number of dead/road distance and populaiton. Over 500 die a year would be more but for the manufacturers, so the locals should thank the likes of Ralph Nader for that!

Great place once you get used to the idiosyncracy of the way of doing things. Would not miss the experience if given the chance!

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