Dragon's Breath

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The Dragon’s Breath

To Rumi whom I bring blessings at dawn this morning

I saw the breath of God
in the faint night shadows
these spaces in time
removed by the fulgent candle light

I saw the breath of God
between layered veils
these shades of fears
sown in nadir’s dimness

I saw the breath of God
in feelings far astern
these emotions charred portholes
pitched on waves of sunlight

I hear a gong and a wooden board
being struck in perfect harmony
embodied by the sound
as a string in this symphony

I hear the chanting
“Tadyatha! Gate Gate,
Paragate, Parasum Gate,
Bodhi Swaha!”

“Pure awareness is transcending,
transcending even the transcendence of transcendence.
Awaken your Mind!”
and Knoooooooooooooooooow.

I am the dragon's breath,
continue my chants, wait for stars to fade
All loss is gain and pain is lost
To the melting morning frost

Daylight blazes tender drops of dew
Reality without form
My Self has merged, a mere string
In life’s symphony

I am Awake!
Perceptions of fears and anger are ashes
As I set free my captive tear
A single drop into infinity
I am the Phoenix
who flies upon the Dragon’s Breath

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