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Zombies are the living dead who roam around looking to eat human flesh.

Types: Zombies come into existance in many ways such as disease, drugs, voodoo, gypsy curses, ect. Curses are common, and disease or other medical conditions are common as well. Most zombies also are very contagious, if a zombie bites you, you turn into a zombie granted he didn't eat too much of you.

Appearance: Zombies generally look like mopey metal-head kids or the kid that gave you that look at whatever store you were just buying something from. They do tend to be slighty filthier as they usually have been under the ground for some time and are probably still decaying.

Personallity: Once again, like that damn Nine Inch Nails kid at that store, except more lively as it wants to eat you. They are very slow most of the time though, but they move in groups and are relentless so don't underestimate them. They are usually not very bright.

Zombie Encounter:
If you encounter a zombie, you should run. If this fails to be adequate in removing yourself from danger then keep in mind that most zombies can be stopped by removing the head or destroying the brain. In combination of violence and cowardice you should drasticly improve your chances of survival.

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