Grimsby, Ontario, Canada

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Grimsby in Ontario is a picturesque little town of 20,000 people. It is nestled between the Niagara escarpment and lake Ontario in the heart of the fruitbelt. It is part of the area commonly known as the Golden Horseshoe.
The largest industry in the area is the multitude of vineyards that dot the landscape. From the small micro farms to the larger international companies they all offer world class wines. The Niagara Penninsula is the southernmost part of Canada and is locally called the riviera of Canada. The balmy weather is the reason for the graperies and also the fruit farms that are in abundance. Peaches, plums, cherries, strawberries, apples and pears are sold at roadside stands throughout the growing season.
Situated approximately halfway between the tourist mecca of Niagara Falls and the Metropolis of Toronto, it is a popular rest stop for visitors.
If this description doesn't entice you Hitch Hikers to visit us, perhaps you should compare the beauty of this area to a description of Grimsby, England. Which I'm sure someone will have the nerve to post eventually.

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