The Dolphin Du'decatones

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The Dolphin Du'Decatones are a group of singing mamals from a small backwater planet in the eastern spiral arm of the Galaxy. There most famous and receint song "So long and thanks for all the fish" is a major hit. and by popular demand by both screaming fans and our field researchers here are that crazy song.

So long and thanks for all the fish,
To bad that it has come to this,
We tried to warn you but oh dear.
You may not share our intellect,
which might explain you disrespect,
For all the natural wonders that grow around you!
So long, So long and thanks for all the fish.
The worlds about to be destroyed,
Theres no point getting all annoyed,
So sit back and let the planet desolve around you.
Despite the nets of tuna fleets,
we thought that most of you were sweet,
exspecially tiny tots and yor pregnant women
So long, So long, So long, So long, So long,
So long, So long, So long, So long, So long,
So long, So long and thanks for all the fish.
If I could have just one last wish,
I would like a tasty fish,
If we all could change one thing,
We all would have learnt to sing.
Come one and all,
Man and Mamal,
side by side in lifes great gene pool.
So long, So long, So long, So long, So long,
So long, So long, So long, So long, So long,
So long, So long and THANKS for all the fish.

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