Southwold. Suffolk, UK

3 Conversations

An example of the perfect East Coast Seaside Town, without any of the usual Tack, no Amusement Arcades here.
First impressions - cleanliness. No wonder it is the holder of a "Tidy Britain Seaside Award". The beach looks superb with brilliant views up and down the coast, also plenty of seats.

We recommend the pleasant walks towards Walberswick, via the ferry and perhaps return across the bridge. Only interupted by a timely stop at a tea room or pub. Full marks to the ferryman, 30p a head to row you across, pushchairs and cycles catered for.

If a potter around the shops is your "bag" - this is the place. Books, art, curios and essentials, they are all here. If you like a pint, the town's world famous brew of fine English ale is easily sampled.

I almost forgot the beach huts - fine specimens with some wit in the naming. This town is a delight, only made better by today's sunshine and bank holiday atmosphere.

Chris Kyan, Karen Hills and Mary Hills (the Tog) but I did the typing!

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