Doctor Who story: Ace's Choice chapter two
Created | Updated Aug 20, 2008
"But the first woman will do it in 1975." added Ace, entering a nightclub.
The boy had absorbed the Mind of Omega. "I am in a new body!" he screamed.
The Doctor rode a motorcycle, and closed the black hole. "Now, what about Omega?"
Len showed Ace some pop art. "This is Warhol, an American artist."
Ace saw shadowy dark-suited agents. "They're black hole agents of Omega."
The Doctor used Warhol's Campbell soup tin to force the agents into the colourless loop. "They are allergic to bright colour!"
Len saw the young Omega, and trapped him in the black hole with sticky tape. "Who was he?"
"Since he is Omega, he can enter the hole, even when closed." said Ace, smiling.
The Doctor and Ace entered the TARDIS. "Ace, the Time Lords know why i am far more than just another mere mundane Time Lord. It was your choice, Ace to join me."
Len heard the distant cries of the TARDIS. "I never knew his power for one such Time Lord as he, he who defeated Omega, three times. is he one par with Omega? Is he the Other?"
The Doctor granddaughter Susan was the one who imformed Len of Time Lord history. "I've since returned to help Romana. I've regenerated into this red-haired youngster. He helped us, and he will avenge our oncoming destruction. He is Time's Champion."