The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy - The Film

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"So long and thanks for all the fish" words that are swimming around my head having just arrived back from my first viewing of the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (from now on referred to as HHG2TG)film.

It opens with the fact, (known by all those who have been blessed with the knowledge that is HHG2TG) that man is the third most intelligent species on the planet, after mice and dolphins. It then engages in a rather cheesy, but incredibly catchy theme tune where the dolphins are, in fact, singing their final message to the people of Earth; "So long and thanks for all the fish."

As the HHG2TG film progresses a story similar, yet very different to that of all four media in which it has already been produced, unfolds with lines that seem so familiar yet not out of place.

Arthur, Ford, Trillian, Zaphod, Marvin and the poetry obsessed Vogons all come to life in this brilliant production of Douglas' script. The concept of the Earth being blown up, 42, Deep Thought and the theft of the Starship Heart of Gold are entwined into a new, yet still familiar storyline with the Vogons still on Vogasphere; Zaphod running and then being caught; Arthur is still just after a cup of tea; Babel fish being small, yellow and Leech like and towels remain the most important piece of equipment a hitchhiker can have.

It may be different, it may be strange, but it is definitely worth a several viewings, then several pan galastic gargleblasters, then several more viewings then a small packet of peanuts, just to wash it all down.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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