Northgate High School In 2005
Created | Updated May 3, 2005
Location: Ipswich, England.
What is it?
It is my firm belief that it is in fact a mental asylum for those who have figured out the true behind the world and have therefore gone inexorably mad. However as we are all so mad we see it as a high school and don’t see the massive high electric fences, but we in fact see shrubs.
The school incorporates: a Language collage (for Languages), A lower School (years 7 to 8), Middle School (years 9 to 11), a Sixth Form (years 12 to (possibly) 14), A Science Block (for science), A Technology block (for...Well I'm sure you get the idea) and an Art block as well as a very large set of fields and the council sports centre. I am currently in Sixth form so I have experienced all of the Buildings. Our head teacher looks like a Turkey which explane why he is never in school during winter term.
A wartime account of life in Northgate.
A wartime account of An event that happend very near to Northgate.
A war Story by an ex-Northgate pupil.
A war Story by Northgate Current Head and his wife.
I will update this when I have another visiting session/Free period. Until then Hello. :)